
Showing posts from October, 2021

EAT LEAN GREEN F…Wait, Not That Kind Of Green.

  How much does it cost to eat healthily? Many people would agree it is expensive, a kale salad for fifteen dollars compared to a greasy burger with a drink for five dollars – choices will be made today. With the popularity of healthy lifestyles, many “fad-diets” are too extreme, harmful, and just plain dumb. On the other spectrum of good popular food diets, there are many choices such as vegetarian, keto, and Mediterranean. There are many more to name so it can be just as chaotic because there are TOO MANY CHOICES and most people don’t understand or even know what is best for their lifestyle. Sadly enough, many individuals find themselves eating the green in their pockets more than the green on their plates. It’d be better to have something stuck in your teeth than nothing in your account, right? This begs the question – what can you do to have both broccoli and benjamins?  Well, you can have your broccoli and eat it too (for once!). This problem has been mediated due to one thing of